ACS Pyri-tos 300 SC

Category: Crop Protection
Product Group: Fungicide (Fungicide)
Active Agent: 300 g/L Pyrimethanil
Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC)

Botrytis Rot in Grapevine: In Mediterranean, Central Anatolia, Black Sea and Southeast Anatolia regions; 1st Application: At the beginning of the maturity period of the berries 2nd and other applications: It should be carried out depending on the duration of effectiveness of the product used. The time required between the last application and harvest should be considered. In Aegean, Marmara and Eastern Anatolia regions 1st Application: just before flowering 2nd Application: in the closed cluster period 3rd and other applications: The time required between the last application and harvest should be considered. Botrytis Rot in Tomato: Application should begin when the first signs of disease are seen around and in the flowering period of the plants. Applications continue at 10-day intervals depending on the course of the disease. It should be applied so that it coats very well. Pepper (Greenhouse) Botrytis Rot: Application should begin when the first signs of disease are seen around. It should be applied at 10-day intervals. It should be applied so that it coats very well. Apple Scab: 1st Application: When the buds swell (3-5 days ago for the areas where there are lesions on the branches) 2nd Application: During the pink rosette bud period (when the flowers are seen separately) 3rd Application: When 70-80% of flower petals fall off and other applications should be carried out taking into account the effectiveness of product used, if climatic conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

Plant Name HARMFUL ORGANISMS IMPLEMENTATION Time Between Last Application and Harvest (day)
VINEYARD Botrytis Rot 100 ml/ 21 days
(Botrytis cinerea) 100 L water
TOMATO Botrytis Rot  125 ml/ 100 L water 3 days
(Botrytis cinerea)
APPLE Dark Spot 50 ml/  14 days
 (Venturia ineaqualis) 100 L water